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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Q City Plan International Design Competition 2016

5 februari 2016

Q City Plan International Design Competition

Activating the City with a Qpuncture!
Theme: Q City Plan, Beautiful Yantian
Deadline for Registration: 30/03/2016
Deadline for Submission: 20/04/2016

international design competition 2016

Desain arsitektur dari botol bekas
Rumah botol Ridwan kamil
8 Inspirasi pernak pernik dari botol bekas
Sayembara desain arsitektur Urban Cafe ACTION arsitektur udayana 2016
Desain arsitektur dari kertas kardus dan atau karton bekas

Theme: Q City Plan, Beautiful Yantian

As the competition among cities intensifies, those that provide a good quality living environment will stand out and thrive. The Q city plan believes that better city and better life could be achieved by interesting and engaging public spaces. Instead of the landscape axis, key areas and nodes, it highlights the specific and often ignored sites where urban planning falls short. These sites are the “acupuncture points” of the living body of the city which, though small-scale, are capable of intervening and reinvigorating the entire city.

Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine CHEN Sijin
Address: 3rd Floor Inside-out Architect and Artist Colony, 50 Xingshikou Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C. Post Code: 100195
Tel: 010-56290935
Fax: 010-56290935
Competition Email:
Competition Website:
UED Official Website:
UED Weibo: UED 城市环境设计
UED WeChat: UEDmagazine

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